For major home renovations, demolition is often needed before you can start. From tearing down different structures in your backyard to ripping out old masonry, finding a demolition team for the job requires a company you can trust. If you reside in Carthage, TX, Pineywoods Demolition is here to help.

local demolition services

Small-Scale Demolition in Carthage

Adding or removing a wall or room in your house requires expertise and a thorough knowledge of what structures are necessary to keep your home intact. For any small-scale demolition, our team can properly identify and avoid load-bearing walls or support beams that are necessary for supporting your home, which lets you execute your design plan effectively and safely.

Mobile Homes

Mobile homes are assembled in factories and then fixed to one location for use. Because of their material quality and factory build, these homes can wear down much quicker than traditional houses over time. Once at the end of their usable lifespan, mobile homes can rarely be renovated or sold as is, meaning demolition is the best option for getting rid of them. Tearing down a mobile home requires special demolition permits and a skilled demolition team to execute the job properly.


For some backyard renovation projects, total demolition of any outdoor sheds may be necessary. For sheds without stronger stone foundations, the teardown process is typically removing the roof and walls of the structure, but for others, the process can be much more complicated. Just like houses, some sheds can be built on a concrete foundation that requires heavy machinery to take out. Fortunately, the contractors and technicians at Pineywoods Demolition can assist in the complete removal of any unwanted sheds.


Trailers, unlike mobile homes, are not typically anchored to one spot and turned into permanent residences. However, they can be used as temporary homes, which face their fair share of wear and tear. If you have a trailer that is uninhabitable, demolition may be the only option for getting rid of it. The demolition process for trailers begins with knocking down the structure, collecting any salvageable parts, and scrapping the rest. With the help of a demolition team, these projects can be done in no time.

Homes and Small Structures

Moving to a new property can mean demolishing homes or structures that may not be useful anymore around the grounds. Demolition, especially for structures with a strong foundation, requires the expertise of a contracting team that can deal with the breakdown of the heavy masonry used to build these structures. Keeping the area around the structure under control and ensuring the debris does not damage other parts of the property is critical for the effective removal of these unwanted structures.

Contact Pineywoods Demolition Today

Demolition projects may seem easy to handle, but without the proper understanding of how to execute these projects, unintentional damage to your property can happen. Fortunately, for those in the Carthage area, the demolition experts at Pineywoods Demolition can aid in any residential demolition project, inside or outside of your home. For more information on our team, including a full list of our demolition services, contact us today.

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