With every construction project comes demolition, especially for home renovations. Finding the right demolition team to take on structural or home teardown projects is essential to completing your dream home makeover. Pineywoods Demolition can begin the demolition process for residents of Longview and help you through the entire process, from set up to tear down.

local demolition services

Small-Scale Demolition in Longview

Although small-scale demolition projects may seem easy to do yourself, they can quickly become dangerous if they aren’t handled by a professional. With the help of a trained demolition team, you can be sure any room expansions or special renovations keep important supports and walls intact while still opening up the space. Any load-bearing walls, internal structural supports, or floorboard support beams crucial to your home’s structural integrity can be marked and avoided during a proper demolition.

Mobile Homes

Mobile homes are just like brick-and-mortar houses — they’re fixed in one spot, attached to the ground, and have the same amenities as any traditional home. Their likeness to traditional houses also requires their demolition to follow the same process. Whether you choose to get a new mobile home, cannot sell an old one, or cannot repair crucial fixtures that need to be replaced, choosing the right demolition team to tear down an old mobile home is the best option for getting rid of these structures.


Outdoor sheds can be extremely useful for outdoor storage or entertaining, but older, more rundown sheds can be hard to fully renovate for use. In these situations, the complete demolition of these sheds is necessary to begin new construction. Finding a demolition team with the ability to completely tear down and clean up these sheds is the first step toward building your new backyard.


Trailers first gained popularity after World War II. They provided families with affordable, mobile housing that allowed them to easily travel to states or cities with open job opportunities. The lifespan of a trailer is around 10 to 15 years, and with constant use, repairing these trailers becomes a big project that may not be worth undertaking. For getting rid of older trailers, demolition can be useful and necessary.

Homes and Small Structures

Purchasing older properties can bring the charm of vintage architecture. Sometimes, though, if these homes or buildings were not well-maintained before purchasing, they may need to be torn down. Some repairs, like patching drywall or replacing a broken window can be fixed, but for bigger problems like dry-rotted floorboards or foundation cracks, demolition may be necessary to create a safer space for you and your family. Old barns, guest houses, or other small structures on your property can be demolished with the help of an experienced demolition team.

High-Quality Demolition Services in Longview

Residential demolition projects can seem manageable in certain scenarios, but without the correct skills, you and your family can cause severe damage to your property or yourselves. Fortunately, the demolition experts at Pineywoods Demolition can assist you with your Longview residential demolition tasks, both inside and outside your home. For more information about our team and a full list of our teardown services, get in touch with us today.

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